Couples and Families

IMG_0488My belief about couple relationships is that two people come together in friendship and love to gain a greater measure of happiness. All individuals in a relationship are responsible for creating the discord as well as the harmony in their relationship, and each person can grow as a result of loving one another. The focus of work is on the strengths of the family or couple, improving communication, and an invitation to each person to participate, address, and change what prevents the relationship from moving toward a more loving and healthy relationship.

Couples will learn how to strengthen their marriage by learning to create safety, build trust, tell the deep truth, and intentionally reconnect. By doing so, they’ll become more confident and skillful at dealing with those troubling moments that too often make intimacy impossible and destroy the very glue that holds people together.

Premarital counseling addresses issues before they become problematic in the context of marriage and helps start life together joyfully rather than in fear of failure.